Fraud prevention that actually works
Many fraud tools are difficult or ineffective due to antiquated technology coupled with confusing data.
Effective fraud prevention
Maverick offers multi-faceted fraud prevention monitoring and assistance through our proprietary dashboard management system.
Automated and proactive, our fraud prevention tools identify potential issues with chargeback management and response mechanisms, flagging previous chargeback cards/disputes, and detailing any card rejection messaging.

Negative chargeback database
Allows you to be notified in cases where a cardholder who disputed you (or another merchant of ours) runs a successful authorization, which can be voided, therefore inoculating against any chargeback risk.
BIN data
Provides insight on the issuing bank, including card type, issuer, and card brand.
AVS and CVV information
Validate billing-related data specific to the cardholder to further prevent fraudulent sales.
3D secure
Provides another layer of authentication to add additional verification, which lowers the possibility of a chargeback or fraud.
IP monitoring
Can shed light on the user’s location and if it is in a high-risk area, if a VPN or proxy is used which may be an indication of fraud, or other information that can help with preventing fraudulent activity.
Insightful fraud data
Will provide information on different fraud trends. Our fraud analysis tool highlights dispute data, BIN-level authorization information, decline statistics, and more.
Additionally, our automated fraud report is sent monthly to merchants with higher ratios (or can be downloaded whenever) which shows a month-level summary of volume, refund percentages, chargeback data, BIN trends, and more.